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Independent Study - IDS
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Independent Study
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IDS 5 802 - Anatomy
IDS 5 802 001 - IDS Healthcare Specific Portions ofHSC5610 Admin & Management
IDS 5 802 001 - IDS Healthcare Specific Portions ofHSC5610 Admin & Management
IDS 5 802 001 - Independent Study-Psy-Ethics
IDS 5 802 001 - Independent Study-Psy-Ethics
IDS 5 802 010 - Directed Study-Applied HumanAnatomy
IDS 5 802 012 - IDS Prosthetic Research
IDS 5 802 012 - IDS Prosthetic Research
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 102 - Directed Study-Adult Neurology
IDS 5 802 102 - Directed Study-PT as Educator
IDS 5 802 102 - IDS Foundations of OT
IDS 5 802 102 - IDS Injury Prevention
IDS 5 802 102 - IDS Injury Prevention
IDS 5 802 102 - IDS-Critical Thinking I
IDS 5 802 102 - Independent Study-Sensory Integration in Pediatric Interventions
IDS 5 802 102 - Independent Study-Sensory Integration in Pediatric Interventions
IDS 5 802 102 - Independent Study-Women's Health
IDS 5 802 103 - Directed Study-Stroke Wellness
IDS 5 802 103 - Directed Study-Stroke Wellness
IDS 5 802 103 - Directed Study-Stroke Wellness
IDS 5 802 103 - Directed Study-Stroke Wellness
IDS 5 802 103 - Directed Study-Stroke Wellness
IDS 5 802 103 - Directed Study-Stroke Wellness
IDS 5 802 103 - IDS Group Exercise and TreadmillTraining for Parkinson's Disease
IDS 5 802 103 - IDS Group Exercise and TreadmillTraining for Parkinson's Disease
IDS 5 802 103 - IDS Neurologic Dysfunction in thePediatric Client
IDS 5 802 103 - IDS Neurologic Dysfunction in thePediatric Client
IDS 5 802 103 - IDS Remediation Level II FW
IDS 5 802 104 - Directed Study- HIPPA
IDS 5 802 104 - Directed Study- Injury Prevention
IDS 5 802 104 - Directed Study-Child Development
IDS 5 802 104 - Directed Study-MS Injury Prevention
IDS 5 802 104 - IDS Injury Prvention
IDS 5 802 104 - IDS Pediatric Clinical Elective
IDS 5 802 104 - IDS Research II
IDS 5 802 104 - Independent Study-Neurology
IDS 5 802 104 - Independent Study-Wellness Programsfor Early Alzhemiers
IDS 5 802 105 - Directed Study-Brain Injury Wellness
IDS 5 802 105 - Directed Study-Pediatric Sign Language
IDS 5 802 105 - IDS - Pediatric Sign Language
IDS 5 802 105 - IDS Group Exercise and treadmillTraining for Parkinson's Disease
IDS 5 802 105 - IDS Wellness
IDS 5 802 105 - IDS Wellness
IDS 5 802 105 - Independent Study-Interventions forthe Older Adult
IDS 5 802 105 - Independent Study-Parkinson'sDisease
IDS 5 802 106 - Directed Study-PD Wellness
IDS 5 802 106 - Directed Study-Therapeutic HorseBack Riding
IDS 5 802 106 - IDS - Remediation for Level IIFieldwork
IDS 5 802 106 - Independant Study-Women's Issues inMental Health for Ind w/ Alzheimer
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 202 - Directed Study
IDS 5 802 202 - Independent Study-Beyond BodyWeight Supported Treadmill Train
IDS 5 802 202 - Independent Study-Beyond BodyWeight Supported Treadmill Train
IDS 5 802 202 - Independent Study-Biomechanics GaitStudy
IDS 5 802 202 - Independent Study-Biomechanics GaitStudy
IDS 5 802 202 - Independent Study-BWSTT
IDS 5 802 203 - IDS Mentored ProfessionalPresentations
IDS 5 802 203 - Independent Study-
IDS 5 802 203 - Independent Study-PT Practice I
IDS 5 802 203 - Independent Study-Remediation
IDS 5 802 204 - IDS Cooperative Education inPhysical Therapy
IDS 5 802 205 - Directed Study-HippotherapyLearning Service Project
IDS 5 802 301 - Independent Study-LocomotorTraining
IDS 5 802 301 - Independent Study-Neuro
IDS 5 802 301 - Independent Study-ProfessionalismReflection
IDS 5 802 301 - Independent Study-ProfessionalismReflection
IDS 5 802 302 - Independent Study-Building YourBrand
IDS 5 802 302 - Independent Study-Locomotor Traininin Individuals with SCI
IDS 5 802 302 - Independent Study-Teaching &Research in Neuromuscular PT
IDS 5 802 303 - IDS Advanced Neurological Conceptsand Assessment
IDS 5 802 303 - Independent Study-Outcome Measuresin TBI and Strong:Literature Review
IDS 5 802 304 - Independent Study- Cognitive Dual-Task Training on Balance, Motor
IDS 5 802 304 - Independent Study-Peer-Teachingand Self Assessing Skills
IDS 5 802 305 - Directed Study-Clinical Reasoningin MS cases related to Spinal Pain
IDS 5 802 306 - Directed Study-Develop TeachingSkills for NM III Course
IDS 5 802 001 - IDS Healthcare Specific Portions ofHSC5610 Admin & Management
IDS 5 802 012 - IDS Prosthetic Research
IDS 5 802 101 - IDS Advanced Treatment Skills forPeople with Parkinsons Disease
IDS 5 802 101 - IDS Advanced Treatment Skills forPeople with Parkinson's Disease
IDS 5 802 102 - IDS Pediatric Physical Therapy
IDS 5 802 102 - IDS Reciprocal Stairs Training toIncrease Gait Speed in Post Stroke
IDS 5 802 102 - IDS-Advanced Treatment Skillsfor People w Parkinson's Disease
IDS 5 802 102 - Independent Study-PediatricWellness
IDS 5 802 103 - IDS - Pediatric Wellness
IDS 5 802 103 - IDS Group Exercise and TreadmillTraining for Parkinson's Disease
IDS 5 802 103 - IDS Pediatric Physical Therapy
IDS 5 802 103 - IDS PT Research
IDS 5 802 103 - Independent Study-Advance Tx Skillsfor Parkinson's Disease
IDS 5 802 103 - Pediatric PT
IDS 5 802 104 - Directed Study- Injury Prevention
IDS 5 802 104 - IDS Assessing Similarities and Differences in Treatment Approach
IDS 5 802 104 - IDS Directed Study for Internshiplll for Remidation
IDS 5 802 104 - IDS Gait Analysisin High School Track Athletes
IDS 5 802 104 - Independent Study-MT to ManageParkinson's Quality of Life
IDS 5 802 105 - IDS Wellness
IDS 5 802 105 - IDS Wellness
IDS 5 802 106 - IDS Concussions: Protocols, Research, Community Outreach
IDS 5 802 106 - Independent Study-Pediatric PT
IDS 5 802 107 - IDS - Seating Clinic- Brooks RehabHospital
IDS 5 802 107 - IDS Pediatric PT
IDS 5 802 108 - IDS Development of a Pre-SurgeryCourse for Cancer Patients
IDS 5 802 108 - IDS-Wheelchair Evaluation & Assessm
IDS 5 802 109 - IDS Concussions; Evaluation andTreatment
IDS 5 802 110 - IDS Hippotherapy
IDS 5 802 111 - IDS Pelvic Health Concerns inHighly Active Females
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 202 - IDS Body Weight Supported TreadmillTraining
IDS 5 802 202 - IDS Dual Degree Program
IDS 5 802 202 - IDS Gait Analysisin High School Track Athletes
IDS 5 802 202 - Independent Study-BWSTT
IDS 5 802 202 - Independent Study-BWSTT
IDS 5 802 203 - IDS Mentored ProfessionalPresentations
IDS 5 802 203 - IDS-Huntington's Disease
IDS 5 802 204 - IDS Cooperative Education inPhysical Therapy
IDS 5 802 205 - Directed Study-HippotherapyLearning Service Project
IDS 5 802 205 - IDS Fieldwork IC - Adult/Gero/Psych
IDS 5 802 206 - IDS Clinical Electrophysiology
IDS 5 802 206 - IDS Pediatric PT Evaluation andIntervention
IDS 5 802 206 - IDS Pediatric PT Evaluation andIntervention
IDS 5 802 207 - IDS Foundations of OT-Fieldwork Int
IDS 5 802 207 - IDS Foundations of OT-Fieldwork Int
IDS 5 802 208 - IDS Research Exp on Global AspectsInterdisciplinary Curricular Conten
IDS 5 802 208 - IDS-Huntington's Disease
IDS 5 802 301 - IDS Locomotor Training inAdults with SCI
IDS 5 802 301 - IDS SafeGait Intervention with Cerebral Palsy Pediatric Patient
IDS 5 802 301 - Independent Study-Physical TherapyInterventions in the NICU
IDS 5 802 301 - Independent Study-ProfessionalismReflection
IDS 5 802 301 - Independent Study-Research IIDual option
IDS 5 802 301 - Independent Study-Research IIDual option
IDS 5 802 301 - LSVT BIG Project: Impact of a standardized exercise program on adults
IDS 5 802 302 - IDS Certified Canine RehabilitationPractitioner Certification and LR
IDS 5 802 302 - IDS Clinical Reasoning for ManagingPatient in Physical Therapy
IDS 5 802 302 - IDS Locomotor Training in a Pediatric Client with CP
IDS 5 802 302 - IDS Music Therapy in Parkinson's Patients
IDS 5 802 302 - IDS Utilizing ASL andAlternate Comm. in Peds Treatment
IDS 5 802 302 - Independent Study-Locomotor Traininin Individuals with SCI
IDS 5 802 302 - Independent Study-Locomotor Traininin Individuals with SCI
IDS 5 802 303 - IDS Advanced Neurological Conceptsand Assessment
IDS 5 802 303 - IDS Foundation of Women's Health
IDS 5 802 303 - IDS Locomotor Training in apediatric client with CP
IDS 5 802 303 - IDS Neuromuscular 1 Teacher Assistant
IDS 5 802 303 - IDS Patient Management of Patientswith Craniovertebral/Vertebral Arte
IDS 5 802 303 - IDS-FW IIA Remediation
IDS 5 802 304 - IDS Locomotor Training in Adultswith SCI
IDS 5 802 304 - IDS Locomotor Trainingin Adults with SCI
IDS 5 802 304 - IDS Pediatric Locomotor Training
IDS 5 802 304 - Independent Study-Peer-Teachingand Self Assessing Skills
IDS 5 802 304 - Independent Study-Peer-Teachingand Self Assessing Skills
IDS 5 802 305 - Directed Study-Clinical Reasoningin MS cases related to Spinal Pain
IDS 5 802 305 - Directed Study-Clinical Reasoningin MS cases related to Spinal Pain
IDS 5 802 305 - IDS Empathy and Compassion The Science of Caring
IDS 5 802 305 - IDS Locomotor Training
IDS 5 802 305 - IDS Research Assistant for Biomechanical analysis of the chair-rise
IDS 5 802 306 - Directed Study-Develop TeachingSkills for NM III Course
IDS 5 802 306 - Directed Study-Develop TeachingSkills for NM III Course
IDS 5 802 306 - IDS Anatomy Applied to Occupation
IDS 5 802 306 - IDS Business and Marketingof Physical Therapy
IDS 5 802 306 - IDS Locomotor Training in Spinal Cord Injuries
IDS 5 802 307 - IDS Advanced Neurological Concepts& Assessment w Emph on Locomotor Tr
IDS 5 802 307 - IDS Advanced Neurological Concepts& Assessment w Emph on Locomotor Tr
IDS 5 802 307 - IDS Best PT Practices when transitioning from NICU to home
IDS 5 802 307 - IDS Safe Gait 360Locomotor Training
IDS 5 802 307 - IDS Vestibular Rehabilitation
IDS 5 802 308 - IDS Locomotor Training
IDS 5 802 308 - IDS The Effects of Music Therapy inImproving Gait Mechanics in Individ
IDS 5 802 308 - IDS Yoga as a Therapeutic Intervention in Pediatric Physcial Therapy
IDS 5 802 309 - Directed Study-Remediation
IDS 5 802 309 - IDS Locomotor Training forSCI Patients
IDS 5 802 309 - IDS Locomotor Training in Adultswith SCI
IDS 5 802 310 - IDS Peer-Teaching and Self AssessinSkills for Examination Evaluation
IDS 5 802 001 - IDS Level II Fieldwork Remediation
IDS 5 802 001 - Independent Study -TCE II Remediate
IDS 5 802 001 - TCE II Remediation
IDS 5 802 011 - IDS-ICE Remediation
IDS 5 802 012 - IDS Exercise Prescription forOlder Adults and Barriers to Prescr
IDS 5 802 100 - IDS Level II FieldworkRemediation
IDS 5 802 100 - IDS Level II FieldworkRemediation
IDS 5 802 100 - IDS Level II FieldworkRemediation
IDS 5 802 100 - IDS TCE1 Remediation
IDS 5 802 101 - IDS Level II Fieldwork Remediation
IDS 5 802 101 - IDS Pediatric Independent StudyCommunity Event
IDS 5 802 101 - IDS Remediation
IDS 5 802 101 - IDS Remediation
IDS 5 802 101 - IDS Remediation FW Level II
IDS 5 802 101 - IDS Remediation FW Level II
IDS 5 802 101 - IDS Review of Cardiopulmonary, Lympatics, Integumentary & Other System
IDS 5 802 101 - IDS Terminal Clinical Experience 1Remediation
IDS 5 802 102 - IDS Advanced Treatment Skills forPeople with Parkinson's Disease
IDS 5 802 102 - IDS Cardiovascular & PulmonarySystems Review
IDS 5 802 102 - IDS Level II Fieldwork Remediation
IDS 5 802 102 - IDS Level II Fieldwork Remediation
IDS 5 802 102 - Independent Study - Affective Behaviors Remediation
IDS 5 802 103 - IDS Cyberdyne HAL Robotic with Brooks Rehabilitation NRC
IDS 5 802 103 - IDS Selective Funcational MovementAssessment & Clinical Application
IDS 5 802 104 - IDS Brooks Rehabilitation Wheelchair Clinic
IDS 5 802 104 - IDS Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist
IDS 5 802 105 - IDS Pediatric Neuro PowerHour Program
IDS 5 802 105 - IDS-Teenage girl population theirdiet or possible eating disorder
IDS 5 802 106 - IDS Advanced Wheelchair Evaluationand Prescription
IDS 5 802 106 - IDS-High Intensity Gait Trainingfor individuals s/p acute CVA
IDS 5 802 107 - IDS Concussion Management
IDS 5 802 108 - IDS Pediatric Neuro Power Hour Program
IDS 5 802 109 - IDS Advanced Treatment Skills forPeople with PD
IDS 5 802 110 - IDS CrossFit InjuryPrevention
IDS 5 802 110 - IDS Terminal Experience4 Week
IDS 5 802 111 - IDS Dance Rehabilitation in Individuals with Neurologic & Ortho Diagno
IDS 5 802 200 - IDS: TCE II Remediation
IDS 5 802 200 - IDS: TCE II Remediation
IDS 5 802 200 - IDS: TCE II Remediation
IDS 5 802 200 - Independent Study Levell IIC FW
IDS 5 802 201 - IDS - Remediation for TCE IMSK IV Lab Access
IDS 5 802 201 - IDS Clinical Electrophysiology
IDS 5 802 201 - IDS International InterprofessionalService Learning
IDS 5 802 201 - IDS MSK IV Review
IDS 5 802 201 - IDS Remediation for ICEto Participate in PCM 3 labs
IDS 5 802 201 - IDS Remediation for ICEto Participate in PCM 3 labs
IDS 5 802 201 - IDS Remediation for TCE II
IDS 5 802 202 - IDS - Remediation for TCE IPCM 3 Lab
IDS 5 802 202 - IDS PCM II Review
IDS 5 802 202 - IDS Remediation for PCM III
IDS 5 802 202 - IDS TCE Remediationparticipation in PCM 3 labs
IDS 5 802 202 - IDS TCE Remediationparticipation in PCM 3 labs
IDS 5 802 203 - IDS Remediation for PCM II
IDS 5 802 203 - IDS Remediation for TCE IApplied Anatomy II
IDS 5 802 203 - IDS Remediation for TCE IApplied Anatomy II
IDS 5 802 204 - IDS Remedation for PMC II
IDS 5 802 204 - IDS TCE II RemediationMSK IV Lab
IDS 5 802 204 - IDS TCE II RemediationMSK IV Lab
IDS 5 802 205 - IDS Fieldwork IC - Adult/Gero/Psych
IDS 5 802 205 - IDS Remediation TCEIII
IDS 5 802 205 - IDS TCE II RemediationNM II
IDS 5 802 205 - IDS TCE II RemediationNM II
IDS 5 802 206 - IDS Remediation for TCE IIPCM III
IDS 5 802 206 - IDS Remediation for TCE IIPCM III
IDS 5 802 301 - IDS Cognition/Metacognition in Prepareation for Physical Therapy Pract
IDS 5 802 301 - IDS Pain Science & Its ImplicationsTowards Clinical Practice
IDS 5 802 301 - IDS Resarch AssistantTrunk Control in Children with DS
IDS 5 802 301 - IDS Research Assistantfor Biomecahnical Analysis
IDS 5 802 301 - IDS Student Readiness for ClinicalExperience
IDS 5 802 301 - IDS Student Readiness for ClinicalExperience
IDS 5 802 301 - Independent Study
IDS 5 802 302 - IDS Locomotor Training in Adultswith SCI
IDS 5 802 302 - IDS Locomotor Trainingin Adults with SCI
IDS 5 802 302 - IDS Preparation for Integrated Clinical Experience
IDS 5 802 302 - IDS Student Readiness forClinical Experience
IDS 5 802 302 - IDS Student Readiness forClinical Experience
IDS 5 802 303 - IDS Locomotor Training in adultswith CVA
IDS 5 802 303 - IDS Research Asst for BiomechanicalAnalysis of the chair-rise task CVA
IDS 5 802 303 - IDS: Team I Am/I Canexercise protocol
IDS 5 802 304 - IDS PWR Moves/LSVT in adults withPD and other neurlogical disorders
IDS 5 802 304 - IDS Research Asst for BiomechanicalAnalysis of the chair-rise task
IDS 5 802 304 - IDS The Importance of Learning Medical Spanish in PT School
IDS 5 802 305 - IDS Effective Interventions Utilized in Pediatric Physical Therapy
IDS 5 802 305 - IDS Treadmill Trainingand Parkinson's Disease
IDS 5 802 305 - IDS Utilizing K-Tapeand soft tissue mobilization
IDS 5 802 306 - IDS Efficacy of Incorporating YogaIncreased Physical & Mental Wellbei
IDS 5 802 306 - IDS Home Health PediatricTherapy Shadowing
IDS 5 802 306 - IDS Locomotor Training in PediatricClients
IDS 5 802 307 - IDS Physical Therapy Interventionsin the NICU
IDS 5 802 308 - IDS Research Asst for InvestigationTrunk Control in Young Children wit
IDS 5 802 400 - IDS Level IIC Fieldwork
IDS 5 802 400 - Independent Study-Remediation
IDS 5 802 401 - IDS Remediation
IDS 5 802 401 - IDS Remediation Terminal ClinicalExperience I
IDS 5 802 501 - IDS for Fieldwork IIBRemediation
IDS 5 802 501 - IDS for Fieldwork IIBRemediation
IDS 5 802 901 - IDS Knowledge & Skills AssessmentMid-Curricular
IDS 5 802 901 - IDS Student Readiness for ClinicalExperience
IDS 5 802 902 - IDS Student Readiness for ClinicalExperience
IDS 5 802 903 - IDS ICE Remediation
IDS 5 802 001 - TCE II Incomplete Remediation
IDS 5 802 101 - IDS TCE II Remediation
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Sections in this Course
IDS 5 802 - Anatomy
IDS 5 802 001 - IDS Healthcare Specific Portions ofHSC5610 Admin & Management
IDS 5 802 001 - IDS Healthcare Specific Portions ofHSC5610 Admin & Management
IDS 5 802 001 - IDS Healthcare Specific Portions ofHSC5610 Admin & Management
IDS 5 802 001 - IDS Level II Fieldwork Remediation
IDS 5 802 001 - Independent Study -TCE II Remediate
IDS 5 802 001 - Independent Study-Psy-Ethics
IDS 5 802 001 - Independent Study-Psy-Ethics
IDS 5 802 001 - TCE II Incomplete Remediation
IDS 5 802 001 - TCE II Remediation
IDS 5 802 010 - Directed Study-Applied HumanAnatomy
IDS 5 802 011 - IDS-ICE Remediation
IDS 5 802 012 - IDS Exercise Prescription forOlder Adults and Barriers to Prescr
IDS 5 802 012 - IDS Prosthetic Research
IDS 5 802 012 - IDS Prosthetic Research
IDS 5 802 012 - IDS Prosthetic Research
IDS 5 802 100 - IDS Level II FieldworkRemediation
IDS 5 802 100 - IDS Level II FieldworkRemediation
IDS 5 802 100 - IDS Level II FieldworkRemediation
IDS 5 802 100 - IDS TCE1 Remediation
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 101 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 101 - IDS Advanced Treatment Skills forPeople with Parkinson's Disease
IDS 5 802 101 - IDS Advanced Treatment Skills forPeople with Parkinsons Disease
IDS 5 802 101 - IDS Level II Fieldwork Remediation
IDS 5 802 101 - IDS Pediatric Independent StudyCommunity Event
IDS 5 802 101 - IDS Remediation
IDS 5 802 101 - IDS Remediation
IDS 5 802 101 - IDS Remediation FW Level II
IDS 5 802 101 - IDS Remediation FW Level II
IDS 5 802 101 - IDS Review of Cardiopulmonary, Lympatics, Integumentary & Other System
IDS 5 802 101 - IDS TCE II Remediation
IDS 5 802 101 - IDS Terminal Clinical Experience 1Remediation
IDS 5 802 102 - Directed Study-Adult Neurology
IDS 5 802 102 - Directed Study-PT as Educator
IDS 5 802 102 - IDS Advanced Treatment Skills forPeople with Parkinson's Disease
IDS 5 802 102 - IDS Cardiovascular & PulmonarySystems Review
IDS 5 802 102 - IDS Foundations of OT
IDS 5 802 102 - IDS Injury Prevention
IDS 5 802 102 - IDS Injury Prevention
IDS 5 802 102 - IDS Level II Fieldwork Remediation
IDS 5 802 102 - IDS Level II Fieldwork Remediation
IDS 5 802 102 - IDS Pediatric Physical Therapy
IDS 5 802 102 - IDS Reciprocal Stairs Training toIncrease Gait Speed in Post Stroke
IDS 5 802 102 - IDS-Advanced Treatment Skillsfor People w Parkinson's Disease
IDS 5 802 102 - IDS-Critical Thinking I
IDS 5 802 102 - Independent Study - Affective Behaviors Remediation
IDS 5 802 102 - Independent Study-PediatricWellness
IDS 5 802 102 - Independent Study-Sensory Integration in Pediatric Interventions
IDS 5 802 102 - Independent Study-Sensory Integration in Pediatric Interventions
IDS 5 802 102 - Independent Study-Women's Health
IDS 5 802 103 - Directed Study-Stroke Wellness
IDS 5 802 103 - Directed Study-Stroke Wellness
IDS 5 802 103 - Directed Study-Stroke Wellness
IDS 5 802 103 - Directed Study-Stroke Wellness
IDS 5 802 103 - Directed Study-Stroke Wellness
IDS 5 802 103 - Directed Study-Stroke Wellness
IDS 5 802 103 - IDS - Pediatric Wellness
IDS 5 802 103 - IDS Cyberdyne HAL Robotic with Brooks Rehabilitation NRC
IDS 5 802 103 - IDS Group Exercise and TreadmillTraining for Parkinson's Disease
IDS 5 802 103 - IDS Group Exercise and TreadmillTraining for Parkinson's Disease
IDS 5 802 103 - IDS Group Exercise and TreadmillTraining for Parkinson's Disease
IDS 5 802 103 - IDS Neurologic Dysfunction in thePediatric Client
IDS 5 802 103 - IDS Neurologic Dysfunction in thePediatric Client
IDS 5 802 103 - IDS PT Research
IDS 5 802 103 - IDS Pediatric Physical Therapy
IDS 5 802 103 - IDS Remediation Level II FW
IDS 5 802 103 - IDS Selective Funcational MovementAssessment & Clinical Application
IDS 5 802 103 - Independent Study-Advance Tx Skillsfor Parkinson's Disease
IDS 5 802 103 - Pediatric PT
IDS 5 802 104 - Directed Study- HIPPA
IDS 5 802 104 - Directed Study- Injury Prevention
IDS 5 802 104 - Directed Study- Injury Prevention
IDS 5 802 104 - Directed Study-Child Development
IDS 5 802 104 - Directed Study-MS Injury Prevention
IDS 5 802 104 - IDS Assessing Similarities and Differences in Treatment Approach
IDS 5 802 104 - IDS Brooks Rehabilitation Wheelchair Clinic
IDS 5 802 104 - IDS Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist
IDS 5 802 104 - IDS Directed Study for Internshiplll for Remidation
IDS 5 802 104 - IDS Gait Analysisin High School Track Athletes
IDS 5 802 104 - IDS Injury Prvention
IDS 5 802 104 - IDS Pediatric Clinical Elective
IDS 5 802 104 - IDS Research II
IDS 5 802 104 - Independent Study-MT to ManageParkinson's Quality of Life
IDS 5 802 104 - Independent Study-Neurology
IDS 5 802 104 - Independent Study-Wellness Programsfor Early Alzhemiers
IDS 5 802 105 - Directed Study-Brain Injury Wellness
IDS 5 802 105 - Directed Study-Pediatric Sign Language
IDS 5 802 105 - IDS - Pediatric Sign Language
IDS 5 802 105 - IDS Group Exercise and treadmillTraining for Parkinson's Disease
IDS 5 802 105 - IDS Pediatric Neuro PowerHour Program
IDS 5 802 105 - IDS Wellness
IDS 5 802 105 - IDS Wellness
IDS 5 802 105 - IDS Wellness
IDS 5 802 105 - IDS Wellness
IDS 5 802 105 - IDS-Teenage girl population theirdiet or possible eating disorder
IDS 5 802 105 - Independent Study-Interventions forthe Older Adult
IDS 5 802 105 - Independent Study-Parkinson'sDisease
IDS 5 802 106 - Directed Study-PD Wellness
IDS 5 802 106 - Directed Study-Therapeutic HorseBack Riding
IDS 5 802 106 - IDS - Remediation for Level IIFieldwork
IDS 5 802 106 - IDS Advanced Wheelchair Evaluationand Prescription
IDS 5 802 106 - IDS Concussions: Protocols, Research, Community Outreach
IDS 5 802 106 - IDS-High Intensity Gait Trainingfor individuals s/p acute CVA
IDS 5 802 106 - Independant Study-Women's Issues inMental Health for Ind w/ Alzheimer
IDS 5 802 106 - Independent Study-Pediatric PT
IDS 5 802 107 - IDS - Seating Clinic- Brooks RehabHospital
IDS 5 802 107 - IDS Concussion Management
IDS 5 802 107 - IDS Pediatric PT
IDS 5 802 108 - IDS Development of a Pre-SurgeryCourse for Cancer Patients
IDS 5 802 108 - IDS Pediatric Neuro Power Hour Program
IDS 5 802 108 - IDS-Wheelchair Evaluation & Assessm
IDS 5 802 109 - IDS Advanced Treatment Skills forPeople with PD
IDS 5 802 109 - IDS Concussions; Evaluation andTreatment
IDS 5 802 110 - IDS CrossFit InjuryPrevention
IDS 5 802 110 - IDS Hippotherapy
IDS 5 802 110 - IDS Terminal Experience4 Week
IDS 5 802 111 - IDS Dance Rehabilitation in Individuals with Neurologic & Ortho Diagno
IDS 5 802 111 - IDS Pelvic Health Concerns inHighly Active Females
IDS 5 802 200 - IDS: TCE II Remediation
IDS 5 802 200 - IDS: TCE II Remediation
IDS 5 802 200 - IDS: TCE II Remediation
IDS 5 802 200 - Independent Study Levell IIC FW
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - Directed Study-Research II
IDS 5 802 201 - IDS - Remediation for TCE IMSK IV Lab Access
IDS 5 802 201 - IDS Clinical Electrophysiology
IDS 5 802 201 - IDS International InterprofessionalService Learning
IDS 5 802 201 - IDS MSK IV Review
IDS 5 802 201 - IDS Remediation for ICEto Participate in PCM 3 labs
IDS 5 802 201 - IDS Remediation for ICEto Participate in PCM 3 labs
IDS 5 802 201 - IDS Remediation for TCE II
IDS 5 802 202 - Directed Study
IDS 5 802 202 - IDS - Remediation for TCE IPCM 3 Lab
IDS 5 802 202 - IDS Body Weight Supported TreadmillTraining
IDS 5 802 202 - IDS Dual Degree Program
IDS 5 802 202 - IDS Gait Analysisin High School Track Athletes
IDS 5 802 202 - IDS PCM II Review
IDS 5 802 202 - IDS Remediation for PCM III
IDS 5 802 202 - IDS TCE Remediationparticipation in PCM 3 labs
IDS 5 802 202 - IDS TCE Remediationparticipation in PCM 3 labs
IDS 5 802 202 - Independent Study-BWSTT
IDS 5 802 202 - Independent Study-BWSTT
IDS 5 802 202 - Independent Study-BWSTT
IDS 5 802 202 - Independent Study-Beyond BodyWeight Supported Treadmill Train
IDS 5 802 202 - Independent Study-Beyond BodyWeight Supported Treadmill Train
IDS 5 802 202 - Independent Study-Biomechanics GaitStudy
IDS 5 802 202 - Independent Study-Biomechanics GaitStudy
IDS 5 802 203 - IDS Mentored ProfessionalPresentations
IDS 5 802 203 - IDS Mentored ProfessionalPresentations
IDS 5 802 203 - IDS Remediation for PCM II
IDS 5 802 203 - IDS Remediation for TCE IApplied Anatomy II
IDS 5 802 203 - IDS Remediation for TCE IApplied Anatomy II
IDS 5 802 203 - IDS-Huntington's Disease
IDS 5 802 203 - Independent Study-
IDS 5 802 203 - Independent Study-PT Practice I
IDS 5 802 203 - Independent Study-Remediation
IDS 5 802 204 - IDS Cooperative Education inPhysical Therapy
IDS 5 802 204 - IDS Cooperative Education inPhysical Therapy
IDS 5 802 204 - IDS Remedation for PMC II
IDS 5 802 204 - IDS TCE II RemediationMSK IV Lab
IDS 5 802 204 - IDS TCE II RemediationMSK IV Lab
IDS 5 802 205 - Directed Study-HippotherapyLearning Service Project
IDS 5 802 205 - Directed Study-HippotherapyLearning Service Project
IDS 5 802 205 - IDS Fieldwork IC - Adult/Gero/Psych
IDS 5 802 205 - IDS Fieldwork IC - Adult/Gero/Psych
IDS 5 802 205 - IDS Remediation TCEIII
IDS 5 802 205 - IDS TCE II RemediationNM II
IDS 5 802 205 - IDS TCE II RemediationNM II
IDS 5 802 206 - IDS Clinical Electrophysiology
IDS 5 802 206 - IDS Pediatric PT Evaluation andIntervention
IDS 5 802 206 - IDS Pediatric PT Evaluation andIntervention
IDS 5 802 206 - IDS Remediation for TCE IIPCM III
IDS 5 802 206 - IDS Remediation for TCE IIPCM III
IDS 5 802 207 - IDS Foundations of OT-Fieldwork Int
IDS 5 802 207 - IDS Foundations of OT-Fieldwork Int
IDS 5 802 208 - IDS Research Exp on Global AspectsInterdisciplinary Curricular Conten
IDS 5 802 208 - IDS-Huntington's Disease
IDS 5 802 301 - IDS Cognition/Metacognition in Prepareation for Physical Therapy Pract
IDS 5 802 301 - IDS Locomotor Training inAdults with SCI
IDS 5 802 301 - IDS Pain Science & Its ImplicationsTowards Clinical Practice
IDS 5 802 301 - IDS Resarch AssistantTrunk Control in Children with DS
IDS 5 802 301 - IDS Research Assistantfor Biomecahnical Analysis
IDS 5 802 301 - IDS SafeGait Intervention with Cerebral Palsy Pediatric Patient
IDS 5 802 301 - IDS Student Readiness for ClinicalExperience
IDS 5 802 301 - IDS Student Readiness for ClinicalExperience
IDS 5 802 301 - Independent Study
IDS 5 802 301 - Independent Study-LocomotorTraining
IDS 5 802 301 - Independent Study-Neuro
IDS 5 802 301 - Independent Study-Physical TherapyInterventions in the NICU
IDS 5 802 301 - Independent Study-ProfessionalismReflection
IDS 5 802 301 - Independent Study-ProfessionalismReflection
IDS 5 802 301 - Independent Study-ProfessionalismReflection
IDS 5 802 301 - Independent Study-Research IIDual option
IDS 5 802 301 - Independent Study-Research IIDual option
IDS 5 802 301 - LSVT BIG Project: Impact of a standardized exercise program on adults
IDS 5 802 302 - IDS Certified Canine RehabilitationPractitioner Certification and LR
IDS 5 802 302 - IDS Clinical Reasoning for ManagingPatient in Physical Therapy
IDS 5 802 302 - IDS Locomotor Training in Adultswith SCI
IDS 5 802 302 - IDS Locomotor Training in a Pediatric Client with CP
IDS 5 802 302 - IDS Locomotor Trainingin Adults with SCI
IDS 5 802 302 - IDS Music Therapy in Parkinson's Patients
IDS 5 802 302 - IDS Preparation for Integrated Clinical Experience
IDS 5 802 302 - IDS Student Readiness forClinical Experience
IDS 5 802 302 - IDS Student Readiness forClinical Experience
IDS 5 802 302 - IDS Utilizing ASL andAlternate Comm. in Peds Treatment
IDS 5 802 302 - Independent Study-Building YourBrand
IDS 5 802 302 - Independent Study-Locomotor Traininin Individuals with SCI
IDS 5 802 302 - Independent Study-Locomotor Traininin Individuals with SCI
IDS 5 802 302 - Independent Study-Locomotor Traininin Individuals with SCI
IDS 5 802 302 - Independent Study-Teaching &Research in Neuromuscular PT
IDS 5 802 303 - IDS Advanced Neurological Conceptsand Assessment
IDS 5 802 303 - IDS Advanced Neurological Conceptsand Assessment
IDS 5 802 303 - IDS Foundation of Women's Health
IDS 5 802 303 - IDS Locomotor Training in adultswith CVA
IDS 5 802 303 - IDS Locomotor Training in apediatric client with CP
IDS 5 802 303 - IDS Neuromuscular 1 Teacher Assistant
IDS 5 802 303 - IDS Patient Management of Patientswith Craniovertebral/Vertebral Arte
IDS 5 802 303 - IDS Research Asst for BiomechanicalAnalysis of the chair-rise task CVA
IDS 5 802 303 - IDS-FW IIA Remediation
IDS 5 802 303 - IDS: Team I Am/I Canexercise protocol
IDS 5 802 303 - Independent Study-Outcome Measuresin TBI and Strong:Literature Review
IDS 5 802 304 - IDS Locomotor Training in Adultswith SCI
IDS 5 802 304 - IDS Locomotor Trainingin Adults with SCI
IDS 5 802 304 - IDS PWR Moves/LSVT in adults withPD and other neurlogical disorders
IDS 5 802 304 - IDS Pediatric Locomotor Training
IDS 5 802 304 - IDS Research Asst for BiomechanicalAnalysis of the chair-rise task
IDS 5 802 304 - IDS The Importance of Learning Medical Spanish in PT School
IDS 5 802 304 - Independent Study- Cognitive Dual-Task Training on Balance, Motor
IDS 5 802 304 - Independent Study-Peer-Teachingand Self Assessing Skills
IDS 5 802 304 - Independent Study-Peer-Teachingand Self Assessing Skills
IDS 5 802 304 - Independent Study-Peer-Teachingand Self Assessing Skills
IDS 5 802 305 - Directed Study-Clinical Reasoningin MS cases related to Spinal Pain
IDS 5 802 305 - Directed Study-Clinical Reasoningin MS cases related to Spinal Pain
IDS 5 802 305 - Directed Study-Clinical Reasoningin MS cases related to Spinal Pain
IDS 5 802 305 - IDS Effective Interventions Utilized in Pediatric Physical Therapy
IDS 5 802 305 - IDS Empathy and Compassion The Science of Caring
IDS 5 802 305 - IDS Locomotor Training
IDS 5 802 305 - IDS Research Assistant for Biomechanical analysis of the chair-rise
IDS 5 802 305 - IDS Treadmill Trainingand Parkinson's Disease
IDS 5 802 305 - IDS Utilizing K-Tapeand soft tissue mobilization
IDS 5 802 306 - Directed Study-Develop TeachingSkills for NM III Course
IDS 5 802 306 - Directed Study-Develop TeachingSkills for NM III Course
IDS 5 802 306 - Directed Study-Develop TeachingSkills for NM III Course
IDS 5 802 306 - IDS Anatomy Applied to Occupation
IDS 5 802 306 - IDS Business and Marketingof Physical Therapy
IDS 5 802 306 - IDS Efficacy of Incorporating YogaIncreased Physical & Mental Wellbei
IDS 5 802 306 - IDS Home Health PediatricTherapy Shadowing
IDS 5 802 306 - IDS Locomotor Training in PediatricClients
IDS 5 802 306 - IDS Locomotor Training in Spinal Cord Injuries
IDS 5 802 307 - IDS Advanced Neurological Concepts& Assessment w Emph on Locomotor Tr
IDS 5 802 307 - IDS Advanced Neurological Concepts& Assessment w Emph on Locomotor Tr
IDS 5 802 307 - IDS Best PT Practices when transitioning from NICU to home
IDS 5 802 307 - IDS Physical Therapy Interventionsin the NICU
IDS 5 802 307 - IDS Safe Gait 360Locomotor Training
IDS 5 802 307 - IDS Vestibular Rehabilitation
IDS 5 802 308 - IDS Locomotor Training
IDS 5 802 308 - IDS Research Asst for InvestigationTrunk Control in Young Children wit
IDS 5 802 308 - IDS The Effects of Music Therapy inImproving Gait Mechanics in Individ
IDS 5 802 308 - IDS Yoga as a Therapeutic Intervention in Pediatric Physcial Therapy
IDS 5 802 309 - Directed Study-Remediation
IDS 5 802 309 - IDS Locomotor Training forSCI Patients
IDS 5 802 309 - IDS Locomotor Training in Adultswith SCI
IDS 5 802 310 - IDS Peer-Teaching and Self AssessinSkills for Examination Evaluation
IDS 5 802 400 - IDS Level IIC Fieldwork
IDS 5 802 400 - Independent Study-Remediation
IDS 5 802 401 - IDS Remediation
IDS 5 802 401 - IDS Remediation Terminal ClinicalExperience I
IDS 5 802 501 - IDS for Fieldwork IIBRemediation
IDS 5 802 501 - IDS for Fieldwork IIBRemediation
IDS 5 802 901 - IDS Knowledge & Skills AssessmentMid-Curricular
IDS 5 802 901 - IDS Student Readiness for ClinicalExperience
IDS 5 802 902 - IDS Student Readiness for ClinicalExperience
IDS 5 802 903 - IDS ICE Remediation