
Course Information

Therapeutic Exercise II (PHT 5 236 C)

Term: 2017-2018 Academic Year Summer


Christine Mary Childers
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Judi Mae Schack-Dugre
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Anna Edwards
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Mr. Jorge Sarmiento
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Cherie Peters-Brinkerhoff
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Nicole Miller
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Email all faculty members


Sat, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (5/10/2018 - 8/22/2018) Location: *
Sat, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM (5/10/2018 - 8/22/2018) Location: *
Sat, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM (5/10/2018 - 8/22/2018) Location: *
Sun, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM (5/10/2018 - 8/22/2018) Location: *


This course is an continuation of Therapeutic Exercise I. Course content will dove-tail with and build upon topics previously presented in Therapeutic Exercise I. Pre-requisites include TE I, MS I, Biomechanics, or dual degree status and completion of all previous coursework. Potential topics to be covered include Aquatic Physical Therapy, Eccentrics & Plyometrics, Functional Strengthening, Functional Capacity Evaluations, Spine Stabilization, Patellar/Scapular Taping and Neuromobilization.