Musculoskeletal I: Introduction toOrthopedic Physical Therapy (PHT 5 250 C)
Term: 2017-2018 Academic Year Summer
Mon, 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM (5/10/2018 - 8/22/2018) Location: *
Mon, 9:00 AM - 11:50 AM (5/10/2018 - 8/22/2018) Location: *
Wed, 1:00 PM - 2:50 PM (5/10/2018 - 8/22/2018) Location: *
Covers the principles and concepts of clinical reasoning based on the patient management and ICF models relevant to the management of the musculoskeletal client/patient. Comprehension and skills related to examination and intervention of musculoskeletal conditions are developed.
Prerequisite(s): PHT 5121C Gross Anatomy I and HSC 5125C Applied Anatomy I.