
Course Information

Cardiovascular & Pulmonary PhysicalTherapy (PHT 5 420 C)

Term: 2022-2023 Academic Year Summer


Brandy Clay (DO NOT USE) SEE ID#44286
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Megan Katherine Dickerson
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Lisa Ann Chase
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Wed, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM (5/8/2023 - 8/19/2023) Location: *
Wed, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (5/8/2023 - 8/19/2023) Location: *


Focuses on the role of the physical therapist as part of the inter-professional health care team in the prevention and management of common cardiovascular and pulmonary conditions across the continuum of care. Development of screening, examination, evaluation, and intervention skills is emphasized. Prerequisite: PHT 5345C Movement Science II, PHT 5240 Imaging; PHT 5360 Differential Diagnosis; PHT 5375 Pharmacology.