
Course Information

Patient Care Management II (PHT 5 430 C)

Term: 2017-2018 Academic Year Spring


James J Mathews
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Joanne Laslovich
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Cherie Peters-Brinkerhoff
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Lena Volland
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Nicole Marie Rodriguez
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Lindsay Perry
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Tue, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (1/11/2018 - 4/25/2018) Location: *
Wed, 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM (1/11/2018 - 4/25/2018) Location: *
Fri, 11:30 AM - 3:30 PM (1/11/2018 - 4/25/2018) Location: *


Emphasizes an interprofessional approach to the physical therapy management of patients with medical and surgical conditions in acute and post-acute care settings with application of clinical reasoning and the patient/client management model using case based learning. Prerequisites: PHT 5130C; PHT 5250C; PHT 5360C; HSC 5310C; PHT 5315C.