
Course Information

Orthopaedic Management of LowerQuarter Injuries (PHT 6 002)

Term: 2011-2012 Academic Year Spring


This course is designed to provide both the clinical and scientific rationale for the current trends and new research in the examination, surgery, and rehabilitation of common injuries/conditions found in the lower extremity. Participants will be provided with state of the art information to enhance their understanding and clinical effectiveness in the treatment of hip, knee, and ankle disorders. A review of surgical procedures will be provided, as well as information in the area of functional testing and brace selection. Rehabilitation protocols that incorporate innovative techniques will also be presented, as well as recent research studies, and patient clinical outcome studies. Participants will have an opportunity to master new and effective treatment techniques. A prerequisite is completion of the seminar "Orthopaedic Management of Lower Quarter Injuries" offered by the North American Sports Medicine Institute.