Foundations of Occupational Therapy (OCT 5 801)
Term: 2016-2017 Academic Year Spring
Tue, 8:00 AM - 10:50 AM (1/5/2017 - 4/19/2017) Location: AUST AUST2 123
Tue, 1:00 PM - 4:50 PM (1/5/2017 - 4/19/2017) Location: AUST AUST2 123
Students examine the historical foundation and philosophical base of occupational therapy. Current professional issues and health care trends are discussed in light of relevant social, economic, political and multicultural factors. This course presents selected health professions and their current roles in the health care delivery system. It provides students with an orientation to occupational therapy and other health care professions through experiences emphasizing professional behavior and communication skills.