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Unit 10 There are 1 replies:
Unit 10 Original post: Sun 11/29/2015 at 10:48 PM

Various evidence based interventions are used in a school based setting during my fieldwork.  Many of the interventions were to help increase attention in the classroom.  Depending on the reasons for the inattention interventions such as providing heavy work, weighted vests and hats, fidgets, sitting on stability balls, and making changes to seating.  Interactive Metronome is used to address a variety of issues including problems with attention, impulsive behaviors, visual and/or auditory processing, and body awareness.  Interactive Metronome has research that supports its use with a variety of diagnoses.  The school also use an inclusive model of practice which is supported by research.  In this model, interventions are provided in a student's environment to allow for greater carryover.


Lin, H.-Y., Lee, P., Chang, W.-D., & Hong, F.-Y. (2014). Effects of weighted vests on attention, impulse control, and on-task behavior in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68,

Shaffer, R. J., Jacokes, L. E., Cassily, J. F., Greenspan, S. I.,Tuchman, R. F., & Stemmer, P. J., Jr. (2001). Effect of Interactive Metronome® training on children with ADHD. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 55, 155–162.

Re: Unit 10 Posted: Tue 12/1/2015 at 10:15 AM, in reply to Kristi Nicole Hinckley


What interesting behaviors and diagnosis you come across in the school and pediatric settings.  Great information and ideas out there to address the concerns.
