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Occupational Therapy - OCT
Special Topics in ProfessionalPractice
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Special Topics in ProfessionalPractice
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OCT 7 455 900 - Imaging for Occupational Therapists
OCT 7 455 901 - SP Hippotherapy: TherapeuticBenefits
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Acute Care Crash Course for Occupational Therapists
OCT 7 455 901 - ST An Exploration of Ergonomics
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Animal Assisted Therapy
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Data Collectionfor Research Topic
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Ergonomics to reduce cumulativetrauma & ultimately pain
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Hand Therapy II
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Low Vision
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Lymphedema Management
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Maintaining Independence as anOlder Adult
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Orthopedic Conditions in Occupational Therapy
OCT 7 455 901 - ST- Pediatric Hand Therapy
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Preparation for Upper ExtremityCHT Exam
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Preparation of Hand Thepary Certification
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Preparedness of OTAsfor Current and Emerging Roles
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Sexuality and Sexual Functionafter Spinal Cord Injury
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Spinal Cord Injury ProfessionalSeries
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Strategies to Address Traumain School Children
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Use of Adaptive BiopsychosocialModel within Stroke Rehab
OCT 7 455 901 - ST-Trauma Awarenessfor the Pelvic Therapist
OCT 7 455 902 - ST - Best Practice for OT Serviceswith Students Struggling w/Sensory
OCT 7 455 902 - ST BOT II: Assessing Language Diffeerences
OCT 7 455 902 - ST Community-Based Wellness Programming for Individuals with Intellect
OCT 7 455 902 - ST Exploring Hand Therapy Anatomy &Functional Implications
OCT 7 455 902 - ST Grant Writing to Fund Driving Program for Teen w Autism Spectrum
OCT 7 455 902 - ST Grants as a Funding Sourcefor Research
OCT 7 455 902 - ST Health and Wellness Promotion inRehabilitation
OCT 7 455 902 - ST Occupation Based Interventionsfor Hand Therapy Clinic
OCT 7 455 902 - ST OT & the use of Technology inEarly Intervention Practices
OCT 7 455 902 - ST OT Involved in ForensicsTreatment of Near-Fatal
OCT 7 455 902 - ST Professional ExperienceTranslated to Current Learning
OCT 7 455 902 - ST Program Development Process
OCT 7 455 902 - ST Sensory Integration & Its Impacton Children w/Learning Disabilities
OCT 7 455 902 - ST The Occupational Therapist'sRole in Driving
OCT 7 455 902 - ST Understanding Pain
OCT 7 455 902 - ST-Role of Peer Educatorand Mentor in Course Immersion Exp.
OCT 7 455 903 - ST Assistive Technology
OCT 7 455 903 - ST Current Trends in HCClinical Education
OCT 7 455 903 - ST Functional Anatomy and CommonPathologies of the Upper Extremity
OCT 7 455 903 - ST Myoelectric Upper ExtremityAmputee Rehabilitation
OCT 7 455 903 - ST OT Program Developmentfor International Fieldwork Opps.
OCT 7 455 903 - ST Pediatric Feeding Therapy
OCT 7 455 903 - ST Response to Intervention
OCT 7 455 903 - ST The Role of OTin Motor Learning
OCT 7 455 903 - ST Understanding the Research &Therapy Skills in Hand Therapy
OCT 7 455 903 - ST Use of Dance for TraumaRecovery
OCT 7 455 903 - ST Using Social Media as a Platformfor OT Education & Advocacy
OCT 7 455 904 - ST Acute Postpartum Breast Rehabilitation Protocol
OCT 7 455 904 - ST Assessment & Intervention in Occupational Therapy
OCT 7 455 904 - ST Braiding Neuroscience with OTand Hand Thearpy
OCT 7 455 904 - ST EB Practice for OTin Neurorehabilitation
OCT 7 455 904 - ST Evaluation and Treatmentof the Upper Extremity
OCT 7 455 904 - ST Hand Dysfunction and How it Affects Human Occupation
OCT 7 455 905 - ST Developing Hand TherapyKnowledge and Skills
OCT 7 455 905 - ST Functional Anatomy & Common Pathologies of the Upper Extremity
OCT 7 455 905 - ST Needs Assessment for Interdisciplinary Team Supporting the Female T
OCT 7 455 905 - ST Working With Older Adults
OCT 7 455 905 - ST-Sensory Integrationand its Affect on Autism
OCT 7 455 906 - ST Funtional Performance of theGeriatric Client
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Special Topics in ProfessionalPractice
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Sections in this Course
OCT 7 455 900 - Imaging for Occupational Therapists
OCT 7 455 901 - SP Hippotherapy: TherapeuticBenefits
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Acute Care Crash Course for Occupational Therapists
OCT 7 455 901 - ST An Exploration of Ergonomics
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Animal Assisted Therapy
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Data Collectionfor Research Topic
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Ergonomics to reduce cumulativetrauma & ultimately pain
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Hand Therapy II
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Low Vision
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Lymphedema Management
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Maintaining Independence as anOlder Adult
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Orthopedic Conditions in Occupational Therapy
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Preparation for Upper ExtremityCHT Exam
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Preparation of Hand Thepary Certification
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Preparedness of OTAsfor Current and Emerging Roles
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Sexuality and Sexual Functionafter Spinal Cord Injury
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Spinal Cord Injury ProfessionalSeries
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Strategies to Address Traumain School Children
OCT 7 455 901 - ST Use of Adaptive BiopsychosocialModel within Stroke Rehab
OCT 7 455 901 - ST- Pediatric Hand Therapy
OCT 7 455 901 - ST-Trauma Awarenessfor the Pelvic Therapist
OCT 7 455 902 - ST - Best Practice for OT Serviceswith Students Struggling w/Sensory
OCT 7 455 902 - ST BOT II: Assessing Language Diffeerences
OCT 7 455 902 - ST Community-Based Wellness Programming for Individuals with Intellect
OCT 7 455 902 - ST Exploring Hand Therapy Anatomy &Functional Implications
OCT 7 455 902 - ST Grant Writing to Fund Driving Program for Teen w Autism Spectrum
OCT 7 455 902 - ST Grants as a Funding Sourcefor Research
OCT 7 455 902 - ST Health and Wellness Promotion inRehabilitation
OCT 7 455 902 - ST OT & the use of Technology inEarly Intervention Practices
OCT 7 455 902 - ST OT Involved in ForensicsTreatment of Near-Fatal
OCT 7 455 902 - ST Occupation Based Interventionsfor Hand Therapy Clinic
OCT 7 455 902 - ST Professional ExperienceTranslated to Current Learning
OCT 7 455 902 - ST Program Development Process
OCT 7 455 902 - ST Sensory Integration & Its Impacton Children w/Learning Disabilities
OCT 7 455 902 - ST The Occupational Therapist'sRole in Driving
OCT 7 455 902 - ST Understanding Pain
OCT 7 455 902 - ST-Role of Peer Educatorand Mentor in Course Immersion Exp.
OCT 7 455 903 - ST Assistive Technology
OCT 7 455 903 - ST Current Trends in HCClinical Education
OCT 7 455 903 - ST Functional Anatomy and CommonPathologies of the Upper Extremity
OCT 7 455 903 - ST Myoelectric Upper ExtremityAmputee Rehabilitation
OCT 7 455 903 - ST OT Program Developmentfor International Fieldwork Opps.
OCT 7 455 903 - ST Pediatric Feeding Therapy
OCT 7 455 903 - ST Response to Intervention
OCT 7 455 903 - ST The Role of OTin Motor Learning
OCT 7 455 903 - ST Understanding the Research &Therapy Skills in Hand Therapy
OCT 7 455 903 - ST Use of Dance for TraumaRecovery
OCT 7 455 903 - ST Using Social Media as a Platformfor OT Education & Advocacy
OCT 7 455 904 - ST Acute Postpartum Breast Rehabilitation Protocol
OCT 7 455 904 - ST Assessment & Intervention in Occupational Therapy
OCT 7 455 904 - ST Braiding Neuroscience with OTand Hand Thearpy
OCT 7 455 904 - ST EB Practice for OTin Neurorehabilitation
OCT 7 455 904 - ST Evaluation and Treatmentof the Upper Extremity
OCT 7 455 904 - ST Hand Dysfunction and How it Affects Human Occupation
OCT 7 455 905 - ST Developing Hand TherapyKnowledge and Skills
OCT 7 455 905 - ST Functional Anatomy & Common Pathologies of the Upper Extremity
OCT 7 455 905 - ST Needs Assessment for Interdisciplinary Team Supporting the Female T
OCT 7 455 905 - ST Working With Older Adults
OCT 7 455 905 - ST-Sensory Integrationand its Affect on Autism
OCT 7 455 906 - ST Funtional Performance of theGeriatric Client