
Course Information

Neuromuscular Examination, Evaluation & Intervention for Dual Degree (PHT 5 243)

Term: 2011-2012 Academic Year Fall


Joann Gallichio
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Kerry C Mallini
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Melanie Jane Lomaglio
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This course is designed for the Dual degree student entering the physical therapy component of the second degree program. This course builds on
neurologic examination and treatment skills already learned in the OT curriculum. The student will explore topics more specific to the physical therapy
profession and ready them for the Neuromuscular III course: Advanced Evaluation and Intervention. Topic taught include treatment theories including
Motor Relearning Program and the Task Oriented Approach, and examination and treatment of the postural control system and gait. Students will also
perform a mock physical therapy evaluation and practice lab activities specific to concept from PHT 5143C and PHT 5145C not covered in the OT
curriculum (i.e. NDT techniques for balance and gait and PNF patterns and techniques for gait, the trunk and the lower extremities). This course will
assist in transitioning the Dual student from the OT curriculum to the PT curriculum and the role of the p