USAHS is committed to providing a learning and working environment in which concerns and/or complaints are addressed fairly and resolved promptly. Students are encouraged to address concerns or complaints promptly, generally within 5 business days of the date of the incident or occurrence that has given rise to the concern or complaint. USAHS endeavors to resolve all concerns and complaints; however, delayed reports of a concern or complaint may make the matter harder to investigate and resolve. The Executive Director of Student Affairs, Candice Vasquez is available for consultation at any point in the process.

Open Door Policy

Students are encouraged to use the Open Door Policy and address issues directly with faculty and staff, before filing a formal complaint. Open communication between students, faculty, and staff is strongly encouraged, and students are free to speak directly with all members of the USAHS community regarding any complaints or concerns that they have.

Students may utilize the procedures outlined below to address concerns including but not limited to: 

  • seeking clarifications in policies, regulations, and procedures;
  • reporting an incident(s) of discrimination or bias; and
  • notifying the University of technology or facility concerns.

Conflict Resolution Assistance

Students may seek conflict resolution assistance from the Director of Student Welfare Assistance may be a simple clarification of a University policy or information regarding options for resolving the conflict. The Director of Student Welfare may assist by arranging a face-to-face meeting with the other individual/s involved in the conflict, if possible and appropriate under the circumstances. In all cases, USAHS will try to secure a mutually agreeable solution to any situation.