It is very important to have current addresses on all students, including legal home permanent, local address and emergency contact information on file in the event of emergency situations and for administrative purposes, such as validating enrollment at the campus where your program is offered. Please take three minutes of your time today to verify your personal contact information and emergency contacts to ensure it is up to date.

To add or update your address, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into the MyUSA portal.
  2. Click the My Info tab on the top menu bar.
  3. Click My Contact Info on the left menu bar.
  4. Click Update Contact Info on the middle of the page.
  5. Ensure your mobile phone is correct, as we’ll use this number to call or text students for emergency communications, such as weather-related or other critical operational alerts.
  6. Scroll down to Permanent Address, Local Address* and Emergency Contact Information and enter your information or make changes to each section (verify other contact information is correct and update, if necessary).
  7. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Next Page to review your updates.
  8. After reviewing your updates, click submit.

*If you do not have a local address that differs from your legal permanent address for relocation purposes, then please add the same address to the local address field.

It is critical that members of the campus community provide accurate contact information in applicable systems to ensure communications are received in the event of an emergency. All USAHS students are to provide emergency contact information either on the Student Services portal or to the Student Services office. Students are asked to provide an update any time there is a change and to check their contact information at the beginning of each term start. Thank you for your assistance.

An update to the 2023-2024 University Catalog/Handbook is now available. This update is mostly limited to a handful of courses in the Doctor of Occupational Therapy, Doctor of Education and Nursing programs. A summary of all changes included in this update is available on the Summary of Changes page of the catalog.  


Students, faculty and staff should review the list of changes and corresponding policies in their entirety to ensure compliance with University and program requirements. Degree requirements are governed by the catalog and handbook that corresponds with the student’s enrollment date.  


For questions, please contact the Registrar Office at

Clinical Placements: Most clinical partners require students to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to meet their Clinical Experience requirement. Clinical placements and experiences may be at risk for those students who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

  • Quick Reference Guide to COVID-19 Links

  • Reentry Communications can be found at

  •  Updated FAQS and Reentry Decision Chart

  • Face Masks remain optional in all campus facilities, except:
    • If you are exposed to COVID-19 and do not have symptoms, wear a mask for 10 full days following the most recent date of exposure.
    • If you test positive for COVID-19, remain off campus and isolate for five days after the date of symptom onset. When symptoms resolve, campus may be accessed if a mask is worn at all times through the 10th day after symptoms began.
    • We continue to encourage the use of face masks for our pro-bono clinics and with research study participants.
    • Face masks will continue to be made available on all campuses.