
The Office of Student Welfare and Accessibility recommends students submit accommodation requests as early as possible. Requests for clinical accommodations, including a modification of policies outlined in the Clinical Education Handbook, auxiliary aids or services, priority location based on disability status, or any other accommodation are subject to the timelines noted below.

Priority Deadline:

Accommodation requests should be submitted to Student Welfare and Accessibility no later than the first day of the term proceeding the term of the clinical experience (i.e. Fall 2023 clinical experience accommodation request should be submitted by the first day of the Summer 2023 trimester.) If student has already been placed for a clinical experience at the time of their request or it is received after the priority deadline the request will be reviewed in accordance with standard procedures but may not be able to be implemented for the term requested.  If necessary, the Office of Student Welfare and Accessibility will work with the student and program leadership to discuss potential alternatives including delaying the clinical experience. Late requests could result in the need for a leave of absence or declination of a site placement which could delay the student’s progression and degree completion date.

Review Process:

Please refer to the appropriate page, Disability, Pregnancy/PP for detailed instructions about how to request accommodations and appropriate documentation. Request for an accommodation(s) will be reviewed and evaluated on a case-by-case basis to assess potential impacts on specific site requirements including student and patient safety. The requested accommodation(s) may be considered during the placement process and communicated to the clinical site via the clinical faculty as indicated.

Location Accommodation Requests:
If a location accommodation is granted, clinical educator will attempt to find a clinical site that accommodates the approval (e.g. within the geographical areas requested) based on current affiliation agreements and/or offered placements. However, locations are based on availability. The location cannot be guaranteed and the request to remain in a specific location may delay the student’s program progression and/or degree completion date. The student may be required to take a leave of absence if a site cannot be located that meets their accommodation needs.