USAHS is committed to creating an accessible and inclusive environment for pregnant and postpartum students and ensures compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the USAHS Title IX Policy which provides for accommodation for students because of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions.   Student Welfare and Accessibility engages in an interactive process with each student and reviews requests for accommodations on a case-by-case basis. 

Accommodation Information:

Reasonable accommodations vary based on the student’s circumstances and program of study, but may include accommodations such as leave of absence, breaks during class, access to lactations spaces, and/or temporary lifting restrictions. 

Pregnant students are eligible for a leave of absence in accordance with the university’s Leave of Absence Policy (for the remainder of the term or full term, not exceeding 180 days). Students may be approved for up to 14 calendar days of consecutive excused absence during the term as an accommodation in alignment with the Attendance and Academic Engagement Policy. Arrangements acceptable to both student and the program of study must be made to complete exams and all remaining coursework. If coursework is not able to be completed by the end of the term, Student Welfare and Accessibility will work with the student and the program to determine what alternative accommodations may be appropriate given the medical documentation received, course sequencing, and program requirements.

Accommodation Process: 

STEP 1. Complete the Pregnancy/Postpartum Accommodation request E-form below.

STEP 2. Submit documentation with the request E-form or email it to . If you are unsure of the documentation needed, contact Student Accessibility and Welfare at or you may use the Medical Provider Verification form provided below. 

STEP 3. Student Accessibility and Welfare staff will review the information provided within 10 business days of receipt and contact the student to notify of the outcome of the review. If documentation is sufficient, the student will be asked to set up an intake appointment.  If declined or if more documentation is needed, the student will be notified and provided an opportunity to resubmit documentation.

STEP 4. If approved for accommodations, Student Accessibility and Welfare will provide an Accommodation Notice to the student. For didactic and/or clinical approvals, it is the student's responsibility to send the notice to their instructors and/or placement team for accommodation implementation. 

Appeal Process: If a student wishes to appeal a decision, either qualification for services or a specific accommodation decision, a written appeal should be emailed to the Executive Director of Student Affairs, Candice Vasquez at as promptly as possible.  All available information including any additional information submitted by the student during appeal will be considered. The Executive Director of Student Affairs will provide a written response within 5 business days of receipt of the appeal. 

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