
This week’s correspondence is with your Academic Fieldwork Coordinator (AFWC).

In order to make sure all is moving forward smoothly with your Level II fieldwork, you and your FWS must fill out a check off form, sign and return to your AFWC

Please go to the SYLLABUS, Downloadable Version section and locate the Week Three Form.

You must print the form so that both you and your FWS can read, fill out the information and sign the form. The form is due end of business Friday of this week (5:00pm EST for SA Campus Students; 5:00pm PST SD Campus Students).


Please submit the form via fax to the Clinical Education Office:


St, Augustine Students Fax to: (904) 829-9199 or (904) 825-1746.



Once you have faxed the form, either email or call your class Clinical Education Office Assistant to make sure the form was received. 


If at any time you have a concern you do not feel comfortable sharing on the form provided, please contact your AFWC via the contact information on your course syllabus.