Objectives – Organizational Chart
Where does occupational therapy fit in the organizational chart for your facility?
o Occupational therapy is part of a interdisciplinary team available at the VA. Other disciplines for the veterans are physical therapy, speech therapy, their PCP, vocational rehab, neurpsych, ect,.
Of the following categories, which best describes the type setting of this fieldwork experience?
o The VA is an outpatient clinic for veterans diagnosed with mTBI, PTSD, anxiety, amputations, varying ortho diagnosis, and they are able to receive DME and wheelchairs/scooters.
1. To independently complete an ortho evaluation and treatment session.
2. To confidently fabricate an orthosis for varying diagnosis
o My supervisor is in the process of attaining his CHT, so he has a number of hands/ortho veterans on his caseload. During my first week, I practed fabricating a thumb spica orthotic on my supervisor and fabricated a wrist cock up orthotic on a veteran with bilateral carpal tunnel. This week, I have fabricated a dynamic outrigger orthotic for a veteran with radial palsy of the R hand and a gutter orthotic for a veteran’s contracted IF d/t an RPG blast. My supervisor has given me feedback with each orthotic.
3. To independtly administer the emWave(biofeedback) program to a veteran diagnosed with PTSD or has increased anxiety.